Friday, October 12, 2012

Sarah Palin's Going Rogue by Writing a Diet and Fitness Book

As her political career has seemingly fizzled, Sarah Palin is taking her complete lack of professional diet and fitness experience and putting it in a book, so she says. In an announcement the former vice presidential candidate made to People, she said, ?Our family is writing a book on fitness and self-discipline focusing on where we get our energy and balance as we still eat our beloved homemade comfort foods.?

The Palin family is known well for their love of comfort foods, relying on the culinary favorites of their native Alaska, like seafood, moose chili, caribou, and some fruit. Like most Americans they aren?t above indulging in heavier treats like cream or pecan pies. Even Palin has admitted that a skinny white chocolate mocha is a morning staple for her.

The announcement suggests the family has found a healthy balance of food that works for sustenance that you can simply enjoy. ?We promise you what we do works,? she said. We?re not sure of what they do exactly, but pictures posted this week show a slimmer Sarah Palin than we?ve ever seen before. An avid runner for years, she?s always appeared to be fit and trim, but what?s surfacing this week has people questioning a starvation diet. A celebrity news contributor for The Examiner said she ?looks downright scary.?

The book at this time seems to be a personal project, as there is no word on whether an actual book deal exists or if a publisher has agreed to take it. Although possible titles are already circulating.

Of course everyone has an opinion. Vanity Fair posted that they obtained an exclusive preview ?by making sh** up,? and shared this as one of her possible diet tips, ?Grab a huge piece of food. Doesn?t matter if you?ve never eating that much food before, or if your only experience is eating small, local food. Chances are you?ll get tired of the exciting, challenging new food halfway through and just sort of leave it there.?

She has also been quite outspoken about not having ?big government? play a part in what we eat, or any aspect of our lives really. In 2010, during a speech at a Christian school in Pennsylvania, Palin bashed the idea of serving healthy snacks in schools. At that time, the Pennsylvania board of education was doing their part to curb childhood obesity by limiting the number of sugary foods and treats given to children during their snack times. She called their proposal, ?a nanny state run amok.? She continued to say, ?I look at Pennsylvania and I think of sweets ? I think of Hershey. Then I think, how dare they ban sweets from school here.? There?s no telling what kind of guidance she?ll be providing to help raise a healthier, more nutrition-conscious generation.

As for her credentials, well, there aren?t any. People have written diet and fitness books for years with a lack of credible experience and the former governor should be no different we suppose. A look at Palin?s education background proves that there?s not an ounce of professional fitness or nutrition experience on her resume. She attended six different colleges before finally taking a diploma in communication and journalism at the University of Idaho. It seems she hasn?t picked up any additional degrees or certifications since her graduation in 1987.

Also Read:

Sarah Palin?s Position on Health Care

Mitt Romney?s Meatloaf vs. Barack Obama?s Chili

Paul Ryan Would Leave Joe Biden in the Dust in Gym Class

October 11th, 2012


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