Thursday, October 4, 2012

Download The Shinka Zen Guided Meditation System?

"Within 15 Minutes, Shinka Will Guide Your Brain-Waves Into Effortlessly Focused And Profound
States Of Deep, Zen-like Meditation And Relaxation When You Press Play On Your CD Or MP3 Player.
Gain The Exact System 19,928 People In Over 52 Countries Are Using To Experience ALL The Benefits Of
Rewarding Meditation Practice To Eliminate Stress, Increase Inner Peace... BEFORE Stress Can Overwhlem You!"

From The Desk Of:
Ilias Glenis - Director
Solexus Health Systems

Enter Your Information Below To Download
A Free 11:22 Shinka Demo...

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Don't worry it is not your fault! Not everyone can master meditation overnight. Most people, with such busy lives, don't have the quality time to dedicate to traditional practices. I was once in your shoes too. When I first started meditating with traditional ways 23 years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about traditional meditation practice, or binaural beats meditation science. What I did know is, I wanted to find a system that would help me learn how to meditate like a pro, and at the same time explore all the good things I'd read about brainwave-entrainment...

I discovered a way to do both!

In fact, you too have an opportunity to meditate consistently well... so you don't have to struggle with your practice, get bored, or give up doing it?BEFORE you get to discover all the wonderful benefits effective meditation can give you.

Along with the practical wisdom, and the advanced approach to mastering meditation I'm going to share, you can be well on your way to meditating as deep and focused as someone whose meditated for as much as 5 years, while gaining the increasing ability to quiet your mind, and keep random thoughts in perspective. With this system, you can achieve the same level of results some advanced meditators require as much as 20 years of their life-time to master. And, you can really enjoy yourself when you practice meditation THIS way!

The best part is, it will not take anywhere near as long for you. I'm going to share, how a system I created to accelerate your mind's development, with a unique audio based meditation system, now being used by people in over 52 countries, will teach you the ancient art of quietly observing and transcending the mind... in harmony with modern brainwave science. In fact, your brain will literally harmonize with your nervous systems, to effectively create greater communication between your brain, body, and mind? EVEN move you towards activating a deeper connection with Spirit!

A Brief History...

Traditional meditation practice and modern brainwave science inevitably came together in the early 1970s, when a researcher named Elmer Green Ph.D. at the Menninger clinic, monitored the brain wave activity of an Indian Yogi named Swami Rama residing in the United States.

From his findings using clinically proven methods, Dr. Green and his team of researchers learned that brain entrainment technology could produce the same profoundly deep levels of meditation experienced by Swami Rama, by mapping and then simulating these deep meditative states, and by stimulating the left and right sides of the brain with precisely calibrated, pulsating sound waves that synchronize one's brainwaves known as "binaural beats".

The most amazing aspect about the binaural beats phenomenon, is that it is the human brain itself that creates the pulsating "rhythmic beat" internally, which is the pulsating beat the two sides of the brain synchronize to for increased cross-communication between the two sides of the brain.

One can think of it as a kind of "symbiotic brainwave symphony" that occurs within your brain chemistry, causing your neurology including your nervous systems, to harmonize and synchronize with your inner mind and elevate the brain/mind/body connection.

When entraining your brain with neuro-technology, you literally come "face to face" with your inherent self as the two sides of your brain reconcile and integrate continually at a higher level, while evolving as a more coherent whole. This is what neuro-scientists refer to as "whole brain functioning", which allows one to use more "whole brain" capacity, instead of leaning to one dominant side of their brain as many people have learned to develop over time, generally referred to as "brain-lateralization", or "hemisphericity".

Have you ever heard of someone being more "left-brained", or "right-brained" in their thinking or functioning? Well, in a nutshell being left brain or right brain dominant, (hence "brain-lateralized"), can limit one's full logical processing or creative expression potential, and as a result limit higher integrations of mind.

While I was discovering brain-entrainment audio technology, I also trained with many personal meditation teachers. I studied from some of the foremost meditation experts on the planet.

I have researched and learned from many of the authentic meditation gurus, that people from all over the world seek and became a student of their works. Teachers like Swami Rama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Genpo Roshi, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait Ph.D., and many others.

On the western side of things, I've passionately studied the work of some of the greatest minds in cognitive and spiritual development like psychologist Abraham Maslow, Carl Jung, Ken Wilber, Bill Harris, and my library keeps growing.

yoga meditation studio The meditation teachers I studied from are some of the most sought after instructors on the planet. If you want authenticity, you must realize it will require a total commitment of your time and money investment to learn meditation traditionally.

To learn how much time and cost, call one of the yoga or meditation studios in your local area to find out their rates and class schedules. If you don't want to practice on your own, or learn how to meditate by yourself, I suggest you hire a qualified instructor like I did to teach traditional meditation to you. It can definitely be worth it in the long run, especially when combined with brain-entrainment neuro-technology like ParallaxMind?.

Here is what I did so you don't have to spend $125-$250 per week... up to
$6500 per year, or dedicate 2-4 hours a day for up to 5 years in a meditation
studio... to learn how to meditate and experience ALL the life enhancing
benefits effective meditation practice can give you!

"I was blown away..."

"When I first listened to your meditation system, I was blown away and transported to a place I've never experienced before with traditional meditation. I'm very grateful I discovered"

Mike Manna - Bloomington, IL

What Are The Benefits Of Meditation, And Why Is Meditating So Important?

In recent studies, meditation has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve heart disease, slow aging, balance emotions, intently focus the mind with increased neural response, improve mental health, and gain more interpersonal control of how one's thought processes create their quality of life.

The last time I researched this, I discovered over 800 studies based on using scientific method and advanced brain imaging equipment to study the benefits of meditation and eastern thought processes on the brain and mind, from universities like the University of Wisconsin, MIT, Harvard Medical School, Berkeley College, and many more...

I've spent the past 23 years learning everything I can about mastering meditation. I even began composing meditation music at the ripe old age of 15. You can easily get lost in this pursuit to understand the mind, as everyone has different schools of thought about what meditation techniques are effective and which are not, or what they are intended to do.

I should probably mention, there are many fragmented mystical concepts, and new age perceptions that may be confusing at times, when all most people want to do is to heal stress, attain more inner balance, peace, rest, and center their mind when first learning how to meditate.

In the west, the word "meditation" comes from the latin root word "mederi" which means "to heal". That's all it really means. Anything else is simply a matter of interpretation and method on finding ways to heal or to reconnect with one's inner self or soul. I like to add... "to heal, and expand awareness".

As I directly experienced "parallax shifts" in my self-awareness, resulting in expansions of consciousness from each of the people whose meditation techniques I studied, I began developing my own guided meditation system which is now working for me and all the people I've shared it with... now in over 52 countries. My system has worked for me to the tune of mastering meditation... in fact, being able to instantly meditate deeper than most experienced meditators who've studied for over 5 years can attain in less than 14 days using my system.

How does my system do this? How is this possible? By tapping into and entraining the brain to access very deep, reflective "states" of mind, and by tuning into the exact brainwave frequencies associated with these meditative states of mind that mirror that of "Zazen", also known as Zen sitting meditation.

benefits of meditation When I first started meditating over 23 years ago, I was impatient and wanted the impossible. I wanted to hire a meditation teacher who could be on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I wanted my teacher to help me create profound and accelerated deep positive change in my life fast, and show me exactly what to do. But getting ahead of myself and rushing the process only made things more difficult for my meditation training, so I got bored, impatient, frustrated, and gave up a lot. Since then, I've learned that whatever was limiting me in my personal growth, and being able to sit still for long periods of time and listen to the grass grow, was in me, and not outside of me. In other words, what I was searching for in others, and wanting others to do for me, to help me still my mind and heal my heart, was something I had to search out, heal, and reconcile within myself.

Back then, I wanted to experience all of the life-changing benefits mastering meditation would bring me quick, and at times was making strides. Yet, I wasn't willing to continue paying fees in excess of $250 a week, or spend 4 hours a day in a meditation studio to do it.

So what did I do? I studied all the techniques that the authentic gurus use and simplified them into a comprehensive program while leveraging ParallaxMind? Guided Meditation Audio I developed?that guides anyone who uses my Shinka system into ultra-deep states of meditation effortlessly. It's also very enjoyable and pleasurable to meditate this way, as ParallaxMind audio also produces pleasure producing neuro-chemicals in the brain, which motivates me to want to meditate, and now I look forward to my meditation time everyday.

By the way, the word "Shinka" comes from the Japanese Kanji meaning... "evolution". And in this case, I'm applying it to the evolution of the human brain, and the causal effects our beliefs, values, and thought processes have on creating our inner and outer worlds. You may have heard about the law of attraction. But, what we're doing here goes way beyond that. What we're doing here literally taps into the exact, frequency states of mind that creates our perceived quality of life, the beliefs and values we use and assign to how we perceive our collective reality, and awakening to fine tuning the evolutionary growth process as we go along. In other words?we're expanding our awareness exponentially using this system.

"I recommend Shinka to anyone who is on the journey to enlightenment..."

"I love the Shinka method meditation. I did not realize how powerful it is until I started to listen to it a few months ago. The "Rites Of The Sun" soundtrack is my favorite. I still listen to it everyday. My body becomes lighter and lighter as if I am the SUN; I am the light. The music activates the DNA of my cells. It is very powerful. The Shinka method guided meditation has out performed all the other meditation music programs and exercises I've purchased in the past. I recommend Shinka to anyone who is on the journey to enlightenment. God Bless to all! Thank you Ilias."

Bless with love and light,
Teresa Chan - Arizona, USA

Does All This Sound Too Good To Be True?

I don't blame you for thinking that way. Many have been skeptical until they tried the Shinka system for themself. But once they try it they better understand just how effective meditating with Shinka can be, and how the process of evolving the brain to higher levels of cognitive development can accelerate their progress learning meditation over time. Especially when it comes to the increased focus and concentration abilities one gains?that is virutally done for you when listening to ParallaxMind? Guided Meditation Audio. ParallaxMind audio is engineered to effortlessly focus, synchronize the hemispheres of your brain, and center your brainwaves "in the Zen zone".

mindfulness meditation When I first started using brain-wave entrainment for meditation practice, I thought it sounded too good to be true as well. Until I found myself using my meditation system over and over again and realized I was getting better and better results. Actually I'm amazed at what brain-entrainment audio technology has done for my life up to this point. It's a discovery that has opened and developed my mind?at an accelerated rate, while creating new shifts in my awareness. That's why I think it makes sense to take a closer look.

It makes sense because we live in a technological age, where the speed of technological development is catching up with the speed of human thought. In my opinion, what the ancients perceived as "magic", we call "science" today. If my system has worked for me and 1000s of others in every part of the globe with dramatically improving their guided meditation experiences, then my system certainly can work for you too. That brings us to why you are reading this letter. Could 19,928 people from every corner of the world be wrong?

I've invested Years of Time did the Research and spent the Money so
In The Comfort Of Your Own Home, Or On The Go!

tibetan meditation singing bowls

Introducing... the Shinka Zen Guided Meditation System!


"I found your guided meditations to be very beneficial..."

law of attraction meditation

"Ilias, making the transition from coaching professional hockey, to pursuing a degree in psychology at the University of Arizona, I found your guided meditations to be very beneficial for coping with daily stresses and making the change flow a lot easier.

Knowing the importance of how neurological thought processes can shape our outer world, I find that your ParallaxMind soundtracks help me stay very focused in college, and remain balanced in social situations, both professional and private.

I would like to thank you for developing ParallaxMind audio, and for giving me some powerful tools to be more effective in my work, school, and to function at a higher state of mind."

John S. Gould - Tucson, AZ
Former U.S. Marine
USA Certified Hockey Coach - Level 4

"...this is by far one of the best home study meditation courses on the planet..."

law of attraction meditation

"The name sounds strange I know, but this is by far one of the best home study meditation courses on the planet. When I tried it, I expected some simple guided meditation techniques or maybe some anxiety meditations, but I didn't expect that I'd get something not only different, but better.

The result is something that I've long sought after and I simply cannot sing the praises of this course highly enough, and I think you'll enjoy them tremendously. If you are looking for meditation for anxiety, stress, or simply to develop more self-awareness, then check out Shinka Guided Meditations."

Nathan Hangen - North Carolina

If you don't know my background, I have concentrated ALL of my creative efforts, and dedicated my professional career to create beneficial personal growth tools people can use to create positive change in their lives. And, ALL of what I do I originally create for my own mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. You could say, I am the guy that provides the "tools and resources" to personal growth seekers on the Internet, and I am very happy and personally fulfilled to be doing this.

buddhist meditation You may already be familiar with some of my other creations such as The Conscious Dating Journal?, The 'Beta Brain' Newsletter, The ParallaxMind? Effect - Personal Growth Solution. Each of my personal growth programs play a very specific role in creating real and accelerated positive change for those who use them.

I'm also a psychoacoustic researcher, hypnotherapist, neuro-linguistic practitioner, music and sound therapist, composer and recording artist, and guided meditation teacher certified in the state of Arizona, USA.

The "Shinka" - Guided Meditation System? is by far the most important personal growth solution I have ever created!

The most important piece of your personal growth puzzle is your willingness to explore new approaches that actually work. How else will you successfully discover what works best for YOU? If you can not enjoy, fully understand, and witness dramatic results in yourself, you will not stay with what you're doing very long to achieve the exciting, and positive benefits of meditation Shinka can give you.

daily meditation10 Reasons Why To Try "Shinka" Today...

  • Learn How To Meditate And Experience All The Benefits Of Meditation In 1/5th The Time - The Shinka Guided Meditation System lets you meditate and observe your self, and your thought processes with greater awareness, and instantly meditate much deeper over traditional methods by simply pressing play on your Windows Media, iTunes, CD, iPod, or Smart Phone style MP3 player when you listen with stereo headphones. I guide you with what Shinka soundtracks to listen to, and why you benefit the most when you follow the included instructions to accelerate the self-awareness process.
  • Shinka Increases Self-Awareness Exponentially Over Time While Accelerating The Evolution Of The Brain - Ask any meditation expert, they will tell you the quality of your meditation practice makes all the difference between success and failure in attaining higher levels of self-awareness, peak experience, healing stress and anxiety, to maintain inner-balance effortlessly so you can live life at your fullest potential, and express?"be" your higher states of mind in the now, so you can operate more as a free functioning human being.
  • Shinka Virtually Does The Meditation For You - Many people refer to Shinka as "the lazy man's way to meditate", as each Shinka soundtrack embedded with ParallaxMind? Guided Meditation Audio Technology, gently guides your brainwaves into the deeper brain wave states I engineered to reflect that of deep ZaZen "sitting meditation", and many other intentional uses like instant stress relief, deep relaxation, and mind development for improving sleep, increasing energy levels, and increasing memory retention and recall abilities?hence the name... "Guided Meditation System"! Many of the expanded uses are explained in full detail in the documentation, including "power" meditation practices.

    guided meditation music

    • Anything that is needed to master meditation IS INCLUDED
    • All soundtracks are submersed in deep, rich, sound environments allowing you to meditate INSTANTLY
    • All experiences you are likely to experience have been DOCUMENTED via bi-weekly support letters
  • Shinka Stimulates The Brain To Make Quantum Leaps In Evolutionary Growth - This program not only creates dramatic shifts in how you perceive your belief and value systems that create your experience of life, it also creates accelerated positive change in the brain so you can use more of your whole brain's capacity?what neuro-researchers call "whole brain functioning". Have your ever heard that human beings only use an estimated 5-15% of our full brain potential? This kind of meditation practice is unlike anything you've experienced before in the ways you "witness" how your inner states of mind manifest your outer world?PROVEN by over 50 years of documented research, modern brainwave, and neuro-science studies with the cooperation of many leading researchers throughout the world. The growing field of neuro- and bio-feedback is quickly becoming an evolving movement in human consciousness, and we're only on the precipice.
  • Shinka Works For Everyone Who Uses It - Maybe you aren't wanting to become a meditation guru, but just want to enhance your meditation practice, or simply melt away your daily stress. Or, maybe you have trouble being able to focus and quiet your mind on your own when trying to meditate, fall asleep at night, or just want to regenerate?"recharge your batteries" throughout the day. You can do this in very little time?even while you sit at your desk at work, and is very easy and pleasurable to do... especially for busy people. It's like having your very own meditation teacher, "virtually" guide you into very deep and pleasurable meditative states EVERY TIME you use it.
  • Shinka is 100% Compatible With ANY Personal Growth Program You Are Currently Using - No matter what personal growth program you may be currently using like yoga, tai chi, qigoing, or martial arts, you can integrate it seamlessly with Shinka. Shinka literally enhances anything you're already doing as it stimulates greater energy flow throughout the brain and nervous systems, and literally "opens up" the nadis as a kind of "internal acupressure" that stimulates your brain and nervous systems from the inside out.
  • Shinka Saves You $100s Over Other Higher Priced Programs - If you've ever wanted to use other brain-entrainment, meditation technologies like Holosync, then you may have found that you can't afford to continue using it, though you may want to. I personally have used and love Holosync, and I think Bill Harris is a brilliant teacher. But having survived two open heart surgeries, I simply couldn't afford higher priced programs when I needed them most. I can tell you that Holosync and later ParallaxMind audio helped save my life in ways I can't go into here. We operate in the creative Spirit, not a competitive one, so I deeply admire the innovative work companies like Centerpointe instill in their products. There are a lot of great meditation systems out there. Many Shinka members are people who can't quite afford other higher priced programs, but seriously want to use comparable, more advanced brain development technologies like ParallaxMind?. Cost is one of the main reasons I created Shinka to accelerate healing between my stressful heart surgeries... and heal I did!
  • Includes $215.83 In FREE Bonus Gifts - When you download Shinka, you also receive 8 genuine bonus gifts that offer true value, you can actually use to help improve your meditation practice and personal growth as a whole (see full descriptions with quality samples below).
  • ClickBank 128-Bit McAfee And VeriSign Secured Ordering - When you place your order with us, you can order with confidence knowing that your purchase is 100% secure and fully guaranteed. Clickbank is a thrid-party retailer that sells our products, and they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products serving millions of satisfied customers worldwide.
  • Comes With A Full "56-Day" Money-Back Guarantee - The Shinka Guided Meditation System is so effective, that I confidently offer an entire "use it for 56-Days" then return it if you aren't satisfied, money back guarantee with no questions asked. I'll explain this in further detail later on.

deep meditation music As you can see, the Shinka Guided Meditation System is a complete, aspiring meditator's solution! If you want to create ULTRA DEEP STATES OF MEDITATION?INSTANTLY MELT AWAY YOUR DAILY STRESS?WHILE MOVING YOU TOWARDS EVER-INCREASING ENLIGHTENED STATES OF MIND in the least amount of time and effort you thought possible, you need to download the Shinka Guided Meditation System. I have taken out all the guess work, and have consolidated over 23 years of personal growth work for you. Now it's your turn to benefit from all of my, and all of the teachers who came before me tried and true efforts!

Just follow the simple to use instructions and listen to my complete audio based meditation system, and you will be meditating DEEPER THAN A ZEN MONK in less time than it takes to eat dinner...

learn how to meditate


"I just wasn't expecting any real tangible change with this meditation..."

"I've listened to the "Twilight Wind" soundtrack the past couple of weeks. I am sleeping better, best of all the last 3 nights. And I am dreaming more and remembering the dreams more. The symbolism in my dreams are revealing some existing habits, fears, attitudes, behaviours that are resisting some sort of change. Quelle surprise, considering your documentation mentions this possibility. I must admit I just wasn't expecting any real tangible change with this meditation. Especially so soon, but my dreams tell me different!"

Kristin F. - London, England

"I am so happy I have had the opportunity to use the program..."

"My boyfriend purchased Shinka for me, and I have been using it for about 4 months now. I am quite amazed at the results, and am so happy I've had the opportunity to use the Shinka meditation system. Thanks so much!

Update from Lori 12-16-09...

Ilias, I cannot begin to tell you the blessings I have received from the daily practice of the Shinka audio recordings. Your program has brought me to a place where I have made meditation and prayer part of my daily routine. Someone recently asked me what was the greatest gift I received in 2009 and my immediate response was your programs. Thank you so much and have a joyous holiday season!

Update from Lori 11-19-10...

I recently secured a new job that I love, one that I will stay at for many years. I have realized a peace of mind that I didn't even know was possible. Things that use to engage me and start negative thoughts and reactions are now just part of someone else's journey. I am living my own life and not caught up in everyone else's. I now know what "mindfulness" is and am enjoying every minute of it right now. I am very grateful to you and what you have created and shared with me and looking forward to the next level. Thank you!

Update from Lori 08-16-11...

Shinka has become so much a part of my life I'm not sure what I will do when I have completed all the levels. The benefits have been enormous for me and I'm sure for those close to me. I now have a great job and have lost 30 lbs. It has improved every aspect of my life. It has given me a tool to use to bring about the changes I never was able to accomplish before. Thank you for providing such a wonderful gift and I look forward to the next level."

Lori Nightingale - Suquamish, WA

In A Nutshell, Here's How The Shinka Zen Guided Meditation System Works...

Essentially, what listening to Shinka Zen is designed to do, is gently guide the listener into the deeper beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain wave states using ParallaxMind? Guided Meditation Audio technology?that safely and naturally stimulates the brain and nervous systems in a very specific way?to synchronize the two sides of the brain and align the nervous systems, including the Seven Chakras (or nerve ganglia)?exercising the brain and nervous systems to resonate and evolve to higher and higher levels of peak experience, that in turn "deeply centers" the meditation practitioner with laser sharp focus and concentration.

An analogy would be to consider how a body builder stimulates and pushes their muscles to grow bigger and become stronger over time, the more they increase the weight to grow their muscles.

In a similar way, stimulating your brain with ParallaxMind audio technology is combined with the inter-personal wisdom you use to train your brain and thought processes, to master meditation with this comprehensive approach over time.

The process is really quite simple:

  1. First order and download the software...
    Follow my very simple directions. I give you easy to follow instructions that will guide you all the way through the Shinka system. (I have also included additional research papers, bi-weekly support letters, a 30-day personal journal, and supplemental soundtracks to be used for the first 9 weeks.)
  2. Listen to Track 1 "Twilight Wind" for the first 14 days. Take a 1-2 day break.
  3. Add Track 2 "Twilight Stream" to your listening schedule.
  4. Fill out the "DreamWeaver Personal Journal" after each session.
  5. Repeat this cycle every 14 days of your listening schedule for 9 weeks and beyond.
  6. Witness in awe as your higher sense of self-awareness, inner balance, ability to eliminate stress, and increased states of mind expand exponentially the more you use it.

That's it! Like I said it is very easy to do, and powerfully effective.

"The depth and intensity of meditation is much greater and more satisfying than with other forms of meditation I've tried..."

"I have been using Shinka meditation nearly two years now and couldn't be happier with the results. The depth and intensity of meditation is much greater and more satisfying than with other forms of meditation I've tried. After only a few months into the program I began sleeping better. Shinka has totally eliminated my heart palpitations and teeth clenching that were caused by stress/anxiety problems. There are other more subtle improvements both mental and physical that I have realized and I look forward to more unforseen benefits as I continue. With a site name like Mymonkbuddy it's got to be good, and it is!

Update from Bill 06-17-11...

Hi Ilias, I've received my Shinka V soundtracks and have begun to enjoy them. I do get that sensation of my brain growing, which is great. I couldn't figure out how to describe it, but your explanation is perfect. In time I fully expect to experience some wonderful new benefits from the Self-Confidence soundtrack and Shinka V, and am looking forward to that. It's gratifying to know I played some small role in the origination of the Self-Confidence soundtrack and appreciate you taking up the project so readily. Unless something unforeseen occurs, I will happily and gratefully take you up on the offer of a discount on Shinka VI. I am looking forward to learning more about the Lambda soundtrack, it sounds pretty intense. By the way, putting my name on the cd label was a nice touch! Sincerely, Bill"

Update from Bill 02-20-12...

Hi Lewi, just a quick note to let you know I received my Shinka VI discs a few weeks ago and things are going really good with them. Thanks again for the great new affirmations you provided for me. I have high hopes for some wonderful life improvements in the coming year thanks to my meditation. As an example, when I initially began my meditating I constantly had to consciously relax tensed muscles in my shoulders or arms but I recently noticed total relaxation throughout my meditation without any effort on my part. To me this is a huge step and success. Thanks for the offer of the discount. I can't wait to see the new Shinka program you're setting up. It really sounds good. Take care, Bill"

Bill Schang - Townsend, TN

"I can physically feel ripples expanding around my heart..."

law of attraction meditation

"Hi Ilias! I am listening to the soundtracks - amazing... Thank you so much. The timing is always so DIVINE! I need them so much at this phase in life and you sent them. Thank you!!! In fact I am finding myself incapacitated to express my joy and gratitude. Each one is so special and magical. I find such a beautiful amalgam of Hindustani Classical and Western Classical music. I can physically feel ripples expanding around my heart and throat chakra while listening to 'Awakening To Compassion'...

... even third eye and crown chakras - such heavy waves tingling all over. I am feeling so calm and going back to a peaceful sleep now. Namaste!"

Dr. Jyotika Chibber - Maharashtra, India

binaural beat headphones You can listen to free, 3:11 Shinka meditation samples right here... (Note: Listen to the following ParallaxMind audio demos, (the first 3:11 of each soundtrack beginning with Shinka soundtrack 1 "Twilight Wind"), with quality stereo headphones for the most effective experience. The ParallaxMind? technology will have zero effect if stereo headphones are not used.)

"Twilight Wind" (03:11 of 33:00) Demo - Shinka Main Soundtrack 1*

"Twilight Stream" (02:11 of 22:00) Demo - Shinka Main Soundtrack 2*

(Please note: *1 & 2 Are the two main proprietary soundtracks required to practice with Shinka.)

What is extraordinary, are the powerful results you experience when you meditate with my system almost daily, combined with the follow-up support materials, will be completely unique unto you and increases with your daily practice over time.

Very few meditation or binaural beats soundtracks come with follow-up materials packed full of inter-personal wisdom you can really use to dramatically improve your states of mind when used in combination with ParallaxMind? Audio technology. Plus, Shinka Zen users in over 52 countries have been experiencing similar results as I have and still do. (Checkout some of the feedback on this page from satisfied Shinka meditators.)

Here's What You Receive When You Download
The Shinka Zen Guided Meditations...

  • The Shinka Guided Meditation System? (Includes the 2 Main soundtracks [from above] plus 6 valuable bonus soundtracks [see below]) - A 100% User Friendly Guided Meditation System that leverages my proprietary ParallaxMind? Audio technology... specifically engineered to gently guide you into ultra-deep states of Zen sitting meditation.
  • World Class Follow-Up Support - I have invested quality research time to create a follow-up support system and special reports, explaining how meditation science works, and why my guided meditation system works. I give you where I documented the information, and what you can expect to happen.
  • Tap Into Unlimited Personal Growth Potential - Yes, you can choose to evolve to higher levels of Shinka to increase awareness and create as many LIFE CHANGING RESULTS and ADVANCED MIND DEVELOPMENT as you want to. There is never any obligation to go higher, unless you want to be co-creative in your own personal growth work. After all we have to choose our own direction. I choose to be a conscious participant and co-creator of my destiny. And you can too for $100s less than other similar programs costing as much as $350.00. You can begin adding your own customized affirmations to your soundtracks with Shinka Level II.

    These aren't your ordinary spoken word or subliminal affirmations. But rather, very potent affirmations that YOU have the option of authoring yourself. You can even record your affirmations in your own voice. We then encode them to your Shinka Level II soundtracks in our audio lab using Autonomix? Quiet Affirmations Audio Technology, that is designed to deliver your personally chosen affirmations directly to your subsconscious mind through a process known as "slope detection" in the inner ear. This is where an incredible amount of evolutionary personal growth work can be accomplished. Look below for a sample of Autonomix? audio embedded in the supplemental soundtrack called; 'Clarity & Unity'.

    Everything is explained in the documentation. There is simply no limit to how far, wide, and high you can take your meditation and self-awareness experiences for exercising powerful, conscious intention... and purpose driven personal transformation!

  • The DreamWeaver Personal Journal? - An effective and useful journal log that I recommend using to reflect on, and is designed to help you observe your daily bio-rhythms/experiences for the first 30-days.
  • The 'Beta Brain' Newsletter - My monthly newsletter packed full of ground-breaking articles in personal growth, book reviews, famous and inspirational quotes, and periodic free soundtracks that you can receive when participating in exciting focus group surveys and brain-entrainment research.
  • Free MP3 Software Updates - The Shinka meditation system comes with periodic product updates "built into" your purchase to ensure that your personal growth investment will retain life-time value! (See complete details below)...

Our Follow-Up Support System
Guides You Every Step of the Way

Follow-Up Support System is really not an appropriate term for the support you receive. I send you in depth support letters delivered to your email as you evolve with Shinka.

These documents discuss how ParallaxMind? Audio technology safely influences the nervous system and the brain, the body's energy centers known as the chakras, how it induces deep meditation and brain-entrainment, the effects you're apt to experience on a weekly basis, and how to easily process these accelerated changes effectively to guide you through every step of your personal evolutionary process.

In each support letter, I give you what to look for, how to process these accelerated changes most effectively, and more importantly why it's important to do it. I use time tested techniques that have been handed down from the "sages of the ages", and contemporary neuropsychologists, to give you examples of how you should evolve with Shinka most effectively, and with the greatest ease possible.

It really isn't enough... to tell you how to do something. When you know the underlying principles behind the concepts, and get a hold of the right tools, you will learn how to master meditation, gain all of it's positive benefits, and leverage brain-entrainment ParallaxMind? Audio to make the necessary connections within you much faster.


" inner being responded with a feeling of Peace and Joy..."

"I reviewed an email message related to the Shinka method sent by Ilias during June of 2009. At first blush, it seemed like many announcements that come via email. However, as I pondered the message something was different and I kept getting a feeling that this was different and that I should try it, with the thought that "nothing happens by accident".

As I began to use the Shinka audio material, I began to experience many of the changes as outlined in the written support materials associated with the Shinka downloaded package. My inner being responded with a feeling of Peace and Joy.

Working with Ilias is a sheer delight as he is totally responsive, always on a timely basis, and always has various comments and suggestions pertinent to the questions and situation at hand. I look forward to working with Ilias and Shinka in the future."

Tony Barkauskas - Colorado, USA

"...I find myself escaping the worries and anxieties of the world..."

zen sitting meditation

"The meditation program is exactly what I needed to calm my wandering mind. I have always had difficulty falling asleep because I just couldn't get my mind to "shut off"! I felt the soothing effects immediately, a sense of calm, putting me almost in a trance. The sounds of nature are beautiful and I find myself escaping the worries and anxieties of the world. It is like a little piece of heaven."

Demetra B. - Chatham, IL

"9 days straight of meditation.......yippee!"

"Light Greetings! I want to let you know that I have tried all kinds of meditation techniques throughout my life, (I'm 51), at least 25 years worth and have Never been able to meditate without falling asleep, or giving up from boredom and frustration! I was completely blown away with the Shinka system! After numerous starts and stops, (because of holidays and other excuses), I finally succeeded. 9 days straight of meditation.......yippee! I am significantly calmer and much more focused, plus all those little annoyances dont bother me any more. I am so excited about this that I bought a system for my daughters....thank you so much for an incredible program. There are so many products out there with minimal results. Shinka really delivers and I highly recommend it for everyone! Namaste, Summer"

Summer Yolanta Bodnar - Ontario, Canada

So what is it worth to double, even quintuple your ability to cultivate your
personal growth, accelerate learning, improve memory, melt away your daily
stress, and dramatically balance your brain to achieve what neuro-scientists call...
..."whole-brain functioning"?

zen garden meditationIn his groundbreaking book, Megabrain Power megabrain power book, Michael Hutchison summarizes the revolution in meditation science in this way...

"New breakthroughs in neuroscience and microelectronics have permitted scientists to 'map' the electrical and chemical activity of the brain in action. Scientists have used the new technology to monitor the brains of those meditators, artists, and other rare individuals who are able to enter peak domains at will and to map their brain activity during those peak states."

[Sidenote: imagine being able to simulate and access the brain wave states of innovators like Einstein, Thomas Edison, Beethoven, etc. at will... when they were "in the zone!"]

Back to Hutchison...

meditation book "Their first findings were that those peak states are not mysterious and unpredictable phenomena, but are very clearly linked to very specific patterns of brain activity. These include dramatic changes in brain wave activity, hemispheric symmetry, and rapid alterations in the levels of various neurochemicals. If we could learn to produce these patterns of brain activity, they reasoned, we should be able to produce the peak states they are associated with.

They found that by using types of mechanical stimulation, such as... precise combinations of pulsating sound waves... they could actually produce those same 'peak state' brain patterns in ordinary people."

----- End Hutchison -----

Until now many of us struggled to achieve the same desired states of those who were "born with" certain
innate abilities?or dedicated a lifetime to mastering meditation to experience the benefits of meditation...

...But You And I Don't Have To Think That Way
Or Settle For "Ordinary" Anymore!

These findings may seem overly simplistic on the surface. The point here is that this process of accelerating self-awareness and increased mind development with the use of ParallaxMind? Audio neurotechnology is just that... simple, safe, and powerfully effective!

For those who use Shinka in a dedicated way, the improvements in their daily lives are very real, and it quickly becomes clear that these dramatic improvements stay with Shinka meditators and continue happening on a daily basis, especially when combined with the follow-up support materials included.

zen enlightenment I thought about how to price the product for a long time. The bottom line is I want everyone to experience this advanced mind-development tool to increase greater flow, inner balance, and consistent meditation practice in their lives. If your practice is not consistent, how can you expect to experience any ever-lasting results? For this reason I've dedicated over 7 years to perfect my system, and make it one of the most enjoyable and easy to use meditation guides you can use today... and you simply can't find Shinka Zen meditations anywhere else!

Special One-Time Offer: Download Shinka now for only $67.00, try it for 90 Full Days and return it if you aren't completely satisfied. Yes, you can use Shinka for "three whole months" to fully experience using it in your meditation practice, with no obligation to continue... Shinka is 100% guaranteed!


Order Shinka Today And Get $215.83 In FREE
Quality Bonus Gifts For Instant Download!

buddhist compassion meditationThis isn't a typo, at this low price of $100s off what others might expect you to pay for similar audio based, guided meditation programs, your investment is well worth every penny because you will save $100s! But I still want to make it even sweeter to say 'Yes' to Shinka by adding in 8 valuable BONUS GIFTS. Which to me are "must have" mind development tools. Here are some free gifts I would like to add to your Shinka purchase...

8 Free Bonus Gifts Valued At $215.83
From The ParallaxMind Catalog...

positive affirmationsFree Bonus Gift #1: ($27.00 Value) - The "Rites Of The Sun" Emotional Catharsis Release Soundtrack...

Composed and refined over a period of 6 years. The "Rites Of The Sun" Emotional Catharsis Release MP3 is a bonus supplementary soundtrack that you can use when in downtime from listening to the main Shinka soundtracks 'Twilight Wind', and 'Twilight Stream'. This beautiful 33:00 soundtrack was crafted to induce emotional cues in an ebb and flow like fashion when in the deeper Alpha, Theta, and Delta brain wave states, and was designed to assist you in releasing emotional material during temporary periods of emotional catharsis, and heal daily stress. This timeless recording is very ethereal and highly effective.

"Rites Of The Sun" (03:11 of 33:00) Demo - ParallaxMind Bonus Soundtrack #1

self confidence binaural beatsFree Bonus Gift #2: ($19.97 Value) The "Alpha Excelerator" Wave Inducer...

a soothing and pleasurable, non-evasive environmental soundscape - Super-Learning Acceleration 33:00 soundtrack. This virtually transparent soundtrack features ParallaxMind technology at the Alpha wave level that effortlessly induces super-learning absorption for memory retention and recall while you read, study, or simply be creative in your personal space or while you work. The sound environment is set in the desert as you sit and listen to the gentle desert rain of the Sonoran Desert. Upon listening you will feel alive, awake, and rejuvenated for hours.

"Alpha Excelerator" (03:11 of 33:00) Demo - ParallaxMind Bonus Soundtrack #2

binaural beats super learningFree Bonus Gift #3: ($19.97 Value) The "Theta Transcender" Wave Inducer...

as you listen to this innovative soundtrack, you will be guided into the deeper Theta realm which will inspire heightened creativity. In clinical studies, the Theta brain wave state has been found to boost the production of catecholamines which are essential for learning, memory retention, and memory recall. If there is ever a time when you are in a creative downtime, experiencing writer's block, looking for a solution to a problem etc. Simply listen to this 33:00 soundtrack, and be transported to a release state of heightened creativity, personal productivity, and can be used for super-learning opportunities... (memory retention and recall).

"Theta Transcender" (03:11 of 33:00) Demo - ParallaxMind Bonus Soundtrack #3

meditation and relaxationFree Bonus Gift #4: ($19.97 Value) "Clarity & Unity" ParallaxMind, Autonomix, & Isochronic Tones Soundtrack...

Plus, you'll receive yet another beautifully crafted free ParallaxMind? MP3 combined with our new, (not yet released for individual sale), Parachrons? technology valued at $19.97 also included with the Shinka meditation system. The Clarity & Unity soundtrack also includes positive, self-dialog affirmations that increase your ability to attain heightened states of inner clarity, balance, and oneness with what Carl Jung referred to as the Universal mind of consiousness and stepping into the "now moment". The affirmations are encoded using my proprietary Autonomix? Quiet Affirmations audio technology, that increases the effectiveness of the positive affirmations 1000s of times... that's 1000s over standard subliminal audio recordings through a process known as "slope detection" by the inner ear. The affirmations are then delivered to your inner mind bypassing the critical filters of the left brain. As a result your mind becomes more receptive to creating an inner space and dialog of peace and that effortlessly is entrained to live in the now moment, virtually on auto-pilot.

"Clarity & Unity" (03:11 of 33:00) Demo - ParallaxMind Bonus Soundtrack #4

(Includes Autonomix? Quiet Affirmations for being present in the
"now moment", and remaining aware in the "here and now".)

meditation and relaxationFree Bonus Gift #5: ($19.97 Value) NEW! "Awakening To Compassion" ParallaxMind Gamma Brainwave Meditation Soundtrack...

The Awakening To Compassion MP3 guides your brain waves into the higher Gamma brain wave realms, like that of advanced Buddhist meditators, who were invited to participate in a study while practicing the Buddhist meditation on loving kindness and compassion. The research was conducted by Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's $10 million W.M. Keck Laboratory for Functional Brain Imaging and Behavior. The study was done in cooperation with the Dalai Lama, by studying the brain wave patterns of a group of Tibetan Monks including Yongey Mingyur Rinpo


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