Friday, August 3, 2012

Dangerous Lee : Art and Positive Activism ? Scat N Style


I am very inspired by Dangerous Lee. She has an awesome sense of humor, which you can see by checking out her site. But, more than that, she is a woman of courage, and she is there to educate others and counsel them. I truly believe that it is this character (which is much more than can be described in a couple sentences!) that her art breathes life.

I saw a couple of other art pieces and I wanted to just fill this post with her art as it was hard to limit it to just two! In looking at her art, I noticed how expressive the eyes were and how much it drew me in to want to know the subject more, and hence, the artist more. Dangerous has a way of interpretation that allows you to feel the art with her and come back for more.

Come, get to know Dangerous Lee and her art, and be sure to visit her links to view more of her amazing talents!

When did you first decide that you wanted to be an artist?

I started painting just a few years ago. I had an urge for many years, that I'd never pursued. One day I decided to buy art supplies and start painting. When I thought what I created looked cool, I was hooked!

What was your first art creation?

When I started painting I only created abstract art because I am not great at drawing, so I played with acrylics and oils to create colorful abstract designs. I didn't have a particular idea for an image in mind, but as I continued to work on a painting it would gradually become something in my mind's eye.

hes-always-on-my-mind_web What was your first memorable art piece?

In high school I can recall taking a special course called, "Printing, Illustration, and Photography". I sketched a couple of cool things, but I can't recall what they were. I remember being impressed with my skills, but drawing and painting are two things I did not take seriously until I became an adult.

Please describe "A Day in the Life of Dangerous Lee, Artist Extraordinaire."

My latest paintings have been of famous women, so when I find an image I like, I use it as a guide as I am painting. It's not my goal to perfectly replicate the image, but I do want it to come close and be recognizable as the actual person. I have recently began to sketch the images before painting them. I am still learning who I am and what my style is, as an artist. When I look at some of the first paintings of this particular series I can see my growth.

Painting is calming for me and I definitely have to be in a certain mood to create, so I don't paint as often as I'd like to paint. I'm usually on my bedroom floor, which is a very small space, when I paint. One day I hope to have a home with my own studio so I can paint naked with music blaring and get completely lost in what I am creating. It's kind of a spiritual thang!

I am currently participating in the MIGreatArtist contest, please vote for me here.

What do you do with your art?

I have sold many pieces of my art in the past, much to my pleasure and surprise, and I plan to open an Etsy store soon. Right now I am focused on creating.

My latest paintings have been of famous women, so when I find an image I like, I use it as a guide as I am painting. It's not my goal to perfectly replicate the image, but I do want it to come close and be recognizable as the actual person. I have recently began to sketch the images before painting them. I am still learning who I am and what my style is, as an artist. When I look at some of the first paintings of this particular series I can see my growth.
What are your plans in the future?

A painting of Rihanna is up next in my famous women series. So far, I have painted Elizabeth Taylor, Cleopatra Jones, Kelis, Iman, Whitney Houston, Sophia Loren, and Erykah Badu. My next series will highlight some of my friends in the arts and entertainment community in Flint, Michigan.

Are you an artist who would like to be featured? Contact me!

Until next time.
P.S. Have you hugged 5 times today?


blow the unit bob weston bill obrien reggie mckenzie epiphany exorcism

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