Monday, March 5, 2012

Writing and Publishing News ? Blog Archive ? How the Writing Habit ...

I?ve discovered over the years that writing is more than just a hobby or a craft. In fact, it has become my mode of earning a living, my passion, a way to gain credibility in my field and my favorite promotional outlet. But it is so much more. Writing has brought me some fabulous opportunities.

I?ve discovered that unusual, and often marvelous, things happen when I put myself out there through my writing.

1: I meet interesting people. Both in person and over the Internet, I?ve met many high profile movers and shakers in the world of independent publishing as well as some extremely talented and successful authors. One can never have too many friends and business associates. Personal and professional connections are vital to establishing a successful writing/publishing career.

2: I get some lucrative writing assignments. After writing articles for The Toastmaster Magazine for about six or seven years, they rewarded my loyalty and reliability with a new job offer. For a tidy sum, I rewrote several of their member manuals.

We complain when we find our articles or stories posted on the Internet. But wait, sometimes this can be a good thing. A member of a school district in Arkansas saw my article, ?The Rewards of Exercise? on the Internet and contacted me for permission to make 1,000 copies to distribute at an upcoming event. Next, he wanted to know how much I would charge him to do this. I suggested $1,000. He agreed, without hesitation.

Here?s a bit of that article?s history: I had already sold first rights for $300. Later, another organization came along and purchased reprint rights for $350. When I wrote that article, I knew it was a good one, so I am pleased that it has earned $1,650 so far.
See this article posted at my website:

3: I receive interesting invitations. Because I was a regular contributor for The Toastmaster Magazine, I?ve been invited to many Toastmasters events as a speaker or a workshop leader. Toastmasters is an international organization. And it was because of my writing history with this magazine that I traveled, all expenses paid, to Dubai?yes, in the Middle East?where I was the first woman ever to present a keynote speech at their annual Toastmasters convention.

4: I attract some fascinating clients. A few years ago, I conducted a publishing workshop for a group of home-schooled students as a SPAWN project. (That?s Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network) We actually produced a perfect-bound book of the students? work?a book that they also designed. The local publicity for this volunteer project landed me two wonderful new clients.

A search for people to interview for an article on learning public speaking when English is your second language, resulted in my meeting a lovely woman living in Florida. She just happened to be finishing up a book and needed some help. She hired me to edit her book.

Writing is not just about writing what you wish at a particular moment in time. It?s not only about developing characters and writing clear instructions. If you aspire to earn a living as a freelance writer or succeed as a published author, keep putting yourself out there in a positive, professional way. Become active in your field or genre. Seek constant exposure in the ways I?ve mentioned above. And you, too, will experience greater success and some marvelous opportunities.

It looks as though my publisher has accepted my most recent book for publication. This is Talk Up Your Book, How to Sell Your Book Through Public Speaking, Interviews, Signings, Festivals, Conferences and More. Watch for my progress reports with this book.

Another note: Some of my friends and colleagues received advertisements from Amazon for my latest book, Publish Your Book, Proven Strategies and Resources for the Enterprising Author. I suppose the publisher paid for this. Have any of you had experience with your books being featured by in an email ad? Did you receive the ad for my book?


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