Friday, November 30, 2012

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Toshiba preps 13MP phone camera sensor that promises low-light shooting without the noise

Toshiba preps 13MP phone camera sensor that promises lowlight shooting without the noise

Toshiba isn't the most vocal of mobile camera designers; it's often shouted out by the likes of OmniVision and Sony. It has reason to crow now that it's near launching a next-generation imager of its own. The 13-megapixel, CMOS-based TK437 sensor carries the backside illumination we already know and love for its low-light performance as well as color noise reduction that should fight the side-effects of such a dense, sensitive design. If we take Toshiba at its word, the visual quality of the sensor's 1.12-micron pixels is equal to that of much larger, less noise-prone 1.4-micron examples -- important when stuffing the sensor into 0.33 square inches. Photos will prove whether the achievement is more than just talk, although we'll have some time to wait when test samples will only reach companies in December. It's months beyond that before there's a production phone or tablet with a TK437 lurking inside.

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Source: Toshiba


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'Cliff': Boehner, White House chide each other

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio gestures as he speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, after private talks with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the fiscal cliff negotiations. Boehner said no substantive progress has been made between the White House and the House" in the past two weeks. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio gestures as he speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, after private talks with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the fiscal cliff negotiations. Boehner said no substantive progress has been made between the White House and the House" in the past two weeks. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney holds up a copy of the President's Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction, during his daily news briefing at the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, as President Barack Obama was having a private lunch with former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, after private talks with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the fiscal cliff negotiations. Boehner said no substantive progress has been made between the White House and the House" in the past two weeks. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev., center, followed by Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin of Ill., left, arrives for a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, following a meeting with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the fiscal cliff negotiations. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

(AP) ? House Speaker John Boehner met with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Thursday and accused Democrats afterward of failing to outline specific cuts to avert the "fiscal cliff" that threatens to send the economy into recession.

The White House and other Democrats said the Republicans were the ones holding things up.

"No substantive progress has been made between the White House and the House" in the past two weeks, Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters after the private meeting with Geithner at the Capitol.

"I was hopeful we'd see a specific plan for cutting spending, and we sought to find out today what the president really is willing to do," Boehner said.

Top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell of Kentucky also offered a pessimistic take following his separate meeting with Geithner.

"To date, the administration has remained focused on raising taxes and attending campaign-style events, with no specific plans to protect Medicare and Social Security or reduce our national debt in a meaningful way," McConnell said in a statement. "And today, they took a step backward, moving away from consensus and significantly closer to the cliff."

At the White House, Obama spokesman Jay Carney took a confrontational tone at his daily briefing, saying Republicans must accept the reality that tax rates for the top 2 percent of income earners are going to go up, as President Barack Obama has demanded.

"This should not be news to anyone on Capitol Hill," Carney said. "It is certainly not news to anyone in America who was not in a coma during the campaign season."

"There can be no deal without rates on top earners going up," he declared.

To Boehner's criticism that Obama has not detailed a cost-cutting plan, Carney held up a copy of the president's plan from September 2011, noting that it was available online and on Capitol Hill. He said, "I believe they have electricity and Internet connections."

Senate Democrats insisted that it's up to Republicans to offer a specific roster of spending cuts.

"Republicans know where we stand," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. "We're still waiting for a serious offer from Republicans."

Reid said there is strong public support for Obama's proposal to extend all expiring tax cuts except for those that apply to incomes over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples ? legislation that Boehner and other Republicans say would harm the economy rather than help it.

The private meetings and public statements marked an acceleration in the pace of bargaining, if not in movement toward an agreement on an issue that leaders of both parties say they want to resolve.

The speaker has said that Republicans are willing to endorse higher tax revenues as part of a deal to prevent across-the-board tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to take effect at year's end, but only if the agreement includes savings taken from Medicare and other government benefit programs.

Boehner spoke by phone with Obama Wednesday night, and said his remarks Thursday were the result of that conversation, as well as the session with Geithner.

Carney said Obama's telephone call with Boehner lasted 28 minutes. He characterized it "frank and direct" and a good conversation.

Obama is insisting that tax rates go up on family income exceeding $250,000; Boehner is adamant that any new tax revenues come from overhauling the tax code, clearing out tax breaks and lowering rates for all.

The White House has been dismissive of Republicans suggestions that they can raise enough tax revenue by limiting deductions, saying that alone would not generate the amount of money Obama wants in revenue.

A White House document being shared with congressional officials and Obama allies says that placing a $25,000 limit on deductions would generate about $650 billion over 10 years if phased in gradually, and only $450 billion if charitable deductions were excluded from the limit, as some have suggested. Obama is aiming for $1 trillion in budget savings by letting estate taxes and the rates for the top 2 percent of earners rise to Clinton-era levels.

The document, obtained by The Associated Press, states that achieving revenue gains by limiting deductions rather than by letting rates rise for the wealthy "would inevitably force any tax reform designed to further reduce the deficit to raise taxes on middle class families simply to preserve lower rates for the most fortunate."

Republicans are also demanding significant cuts to entitlement programs like Medicare, such as an increase in the eligibility age for the program from 65 to perhaps 67.

As for the "fiscal cliff," across-the-board cuts to the Pentagon and domestic programs set to strike the economy in January along with the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts on income, investments, married couples and families with children. That combination of tax increases and spending cuts would wring more than half a trillion dollars from the economy in the first nine months of next year, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

No one anticipates a stalemate lasting that long, but many experts worry that even allowing the spending cuts and tax increases for a relatively brief period could rattle financial markets.

From their public statements, Obama and Boehner appear at an impasse over raising the two top tax rates from 33 percent and 35 percent to 36 percent and 39.6 percent. Democrats seem confident that Boehner ultimately will have to crumble, but Obama has a lot at stake as well, including a clear agenda for priorities like an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws.


Associated Press writers Jim Kuhnhenn and Julie Pace contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Whispers in the Loggia: "We Must Without Fear": On Communicating ...

Whispers in the Loggia: "We Must Without Fear": On Communicating Faith

"We Must Without Fear": On Communicating Faith

From the Pope's catechesis at today's General Audience....
?How do we speak of God in our times? How can we communicate the Gospel to open the way to its salvific truth?

Speaking about God requires a continual growth in faith, familiarity with Jesus and His Gospel, a profound knowledge of God and strong passion for His plan for salvation, without giving in to the temptations of success....

We must not fear the humility of taking small steps, trusting in the leaven that makes the dough rise slowly and mysteriously. In speaking about God, in the work of evangelisation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we must return to the simple and essential nature of proclamation: the concrete Good News of God Who cares about us, the love of God which Jesus Christ brought close to us, even unto the Cross, and which in the Resurrection opens us to life without end, to eternal life....

To speak about God, we must make space for Him, confident that He acts upon our weakness. We must make space for Him without fear, with simplicity and joy, in the profound conviction that the more we place Him ? and not ourselves ? at the centre of our lives, the more fruitful our communication will be....

This also holds true for Christian communities. They are called to communicate the transforming action of God's grace, overcoming individualism, closure, selfishness and indifference, bringing the love of God to daily relationships. We must must act to ensure [that] we always announce Christ, not ourselves....

From the Gospel we see how Jesus was interested in every human situation He encountered, He immersed Himself in the lives of the men and women of His time, with complete trust in the help of the Father.... In Him, proclamation and life were entwined: Jesus acted and taught, always taking as a starting point His intimate relationship with God the Father. This approach gives fundamental indications to Christians: living in faith and charity is a way of speaking about God in our times, because it demonstrates the credibility of what we say in words through a life lived in Christ. We must take care to grasp the signs of our times, and thereby to identify the potential, the desires and the obstacles we encounter in contemporary culture, in particular the desire for authenticity, the yearning for transcendence, the sensibility for protecting creation. And we must communicate without fear the answer offered by faith.?
PHOTO: Reuters



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Do Orchestras Really Need Conductors?

Does This Guy Matter? Conductor Leonard Bernstein during rehearsal with the Cincinnati Symphony at Carnegie Hall in 1977.

James Garrett/New York Daily News via Getty Images

Have you ever wondered whether music conductors actually influence their orchestras?

They seem important. After all, they're standing in the middle of the stage and waving their hands. But the musicians all have scores before them that tell them what to play. If you took the conductor away, could the orchestra manage on its own?

A new study aims to answer this question. Yiannis Aloimonos, of the University of Maryland, and several colleagues recruited the help of orchestral players from Ferrara, Italy.

They installed a tiny infrared light at the tip of an (unnamed) conductor's baton. They also placed similar lights on the bows of the violinists in the orchestra. The scientists then surrounded the orchestra with infrared cameras.

When the conductor waved the baton, and the violinists moved their bows, the moving lights created patterns in space, which the cameras captured. Computers analyzed the infrared patterns as signals: Using mathematical techniques originally designed by Nobel Prize-winning economist Clive Granger, Aloimonos and his colleagues analyzed whether the movements of the conductor were linked to those of the violinists.

The scientists hypothesized that if the movement of the conductor could predict the movements of the violinists, then the conductor was clearly leading the players. But if the conductor's movements could not predict the movement of the violinists, then it was really the players who were in charge.

"You have a signal that is originating from the conductor, because he is moving his hands and his body," Aloimonos explained. "And then the players, they perceive that signal, and they create another signal by moving the bows of the violin appropriately. So you have some sort of sensorimotor conversation."

(The research study is part of a larger project where Aloimonos is trying to figure out if human movements share something in common with human language; he suspects both are not only governed by a grammar, but that both may be based on similar processes in the brain.)

Aloimonos said the study found that conductors were leading the violinists ? the movement of the conductors predicted the movement of the violinists, not the other way around.

But the study found more: The scientists had two conductors lead the same orchestra. One was a veteran who exercised an iron grip over the violinists. The other was an amateur.

"What we found is the more the influence of the conductor to the players, the more aesthetic ? aesthetically pleasing the music was overall," Aloimonos said.

Music experts who listened to the performance of the orchestra under the control of the two conductors found the version produced by the authoritarian conductor superior. Remember, these experts didn't know which version was being led by the veteran conductor and which by the amateur. All they heard was the music.


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Insurgent attacks kill 21, wound dozens in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) ? Insurgents launched attacks against security forces and civilians in central and northern Iraq on Tuesday, killing at least 21 people and wounding dozens, officials said.

Shiite mosques in Baghdad were main targets, along with a city claimed by squabbling ethnic groups in a disputed northern region. The conflicts threaten the stability of Iraq following the final pullout of U.S. military forces nearly a year ago.

Car bombs exploded near three mosques shortly after nightfall in the capital, killing 12. Police and hospital officials said the first exploded near a Shiite mosque following evening prayers in Hurriya neighborhood, killing six worshippers and wounding 20 others. Minutes later, another car bomb went off near Gaereat mosque, killing three people.

Later, police said a third car bomb exploded, killing three Shiite worshippers and wounded 14 others in Shulla neighborhood in northern Baghdad.

Ali Habib, a taxi driver, said he was driving near the Shiite mosque in Hurriya when he heard a loud explosion. He rushed to the blast site and helped take wounded to the hospital.

"The scene was horrific, with people screaming for help," he said. "Such attacks bring back memories of the darkest days of sectarian strife that took place several years ago in Iraq."

In the north, a police officer said three bombs in parked cars exploded simultaneously in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, the largest city in the area claimed by several ethnic groups in a dispute with the central government in Baghdad.

The bombs hit two Kurdish residential areas in the center of the city. One went off near a main Kurdish party headquarters. Five people, including a Kurdish security guard, were killed and 58 others wounded, he said.

A few minutes later, two bombs exploded in a market in the Sunni-dominated town of Hawija west of Kirkuk, killing two civilians and wounding five others, he said. Also, five Iraqi army soldiers were wounded when militants detonated bombs near their houses in the nearby town of Tuz Khortmato.

Kirkuk, 290 kilometers (180 miles) north of Baghdad, is home to a mix of Arabs, Kurds and Turkomen, who all have competing claims to the oil-rich area. The Kurds want to incorporate it into their self-ruled region in Iraq's north, but Arabs and Turkomen are opposed.

Violence has ebbed since the peak of insurgency several years ago, but lethal attacks still occur frequently. No one claimed responsibility for Tuesday's attacks, but car bombs, shootings and roadside devices are the hallmark of al-Qaida in Iraq.

In the northeastern province of Diyala, gunmen in speeding car showered a check point manned by Sahwa, an anti-al-Qaida group, killing one and wounding two others, another police official said. The Sahwa are Sunni Arabs who joined forces with U.S. military to fight al-Qaida at the height of Iraq's insurgency. They have since been favorite targets for Sunni insurgents who consider them as traitors.

Also in Diyala, a roadside bomb targeted a passing police patrol in the town of Khan Bani Saad, killing a civilian bystander and wounding two policemen, the officer said. The town is about 35 kilometers (20 miles) north of Baghdad.

In the northern city of Mosul, a parked car bomb went off near a house of a Sunni lawmaker, wounding five bystanders. The lawmaker, a woman, was unharmed, another police officer said. Mosul is 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad.

Five other civilians were wounded when a roadside bomb exploded near an Iraqi military base in the town of Taji, 20 kilometers (12 miles) north of Baghdad, a police officer said.

Three health officials confirmed the causality figures. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information.


Associated Press writer Sameer N. Yacoub contributed.


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Chevy details 2014 Spark EV: under $25,000, 0-60 in 8 seconds and a 20-minute fast charge

Chevy prices 2014 Spark EV under $25,000, plans launches in Canada and beyond

News of Siri integration isn't the only tool in Chevy's belt today, as it's also unveiling key details of the 2014 Spark EV. The all-electric subcompact won't reach dealers until the summer, but it may be worth waiting for given a surprising emphasis on speed. Its 130HP motor puts out 400lb-ft of torque, or enough to reach 60MPH in under 8 seconds -- quite a bit of pep for any stock compact car, let alone one with green credentials. Drivers who don't always mash the throttle will still get a dose of speed through industry-first support for SAE Combo DC Fast Charging, which delivers an 80 percent charge in 20 minutes. The cabin technology parallels developments in the powertrain through its two customizable, 7-inch screens and the expected smartphone tie-ins for MyLink and Siri. Combining the tarted up performance and interior tech makes the Spark EV's sub-$25,000 price (after EV tax breaks) seem like a better value than usual for lower-cost electric vehicles -- and with Chevy's expanded plans to sell in Oregon, Canada and elsewhere, more of us can actually take the plunge.

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PLU baseball program to host umpires camp

The inaugural Narrows Umpires Camp will take place at Pacific Lutheran University on Dec. 1 and Dec. 2. Tripp Gibson, who is an umpire at the Triple-A level in the Pacific Coast League of the minor leagues, will be the chief instructor for the camp.

The camp costs $100 per participant and the registration deadline is Nov. 26. For more information, call Harry Soete at 360-265-6488 or reach him by email at


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Ottawa bumps up TFSA limit by $500 - Financial Post

The federal government has given Canadians 500 more reasons to invest in a tax-free savings account ? namely a $500 increase in the annual contribution limit.

Canadians will be able to add the $500 starting in 2013, raising the annual maximum to $5,500.

?Our government remains committed to our low-tax plan for jobs and growth and we are very pleased to offer Canadians ways to save on taxes and keep more of their hard-earned money,? said Ted Menzies, minister of state (finance), in a statement.

?TFSAs have become an exceedingly valuable savings tool for so many Canadians.?

Since the program was announced by the Conservative, it has become a popular savings tool. Like the Registered Retirement Savings Plan, money accrues inside the TFSA with no tax. TFSA contributions do not reduce taxable income but unlike RRSPs, withdrawals are not taxed.

Based on four years of contributions, Canadians can now have made $20,000 in contributions to their TFSA. Ottawa says 8.2 million Canadians have opened an account and roughly 2.5 million Canadians contributed the maximum amount in 2011.

?We are thrilled that so many Canadians have opened tax-free savings accounts, and that the number is growing,? said Gail Shea, minister of natural revenue. ?Our government is committed to helping Canadians keep more of their hard-earned dollars, and the TFSA offers yet another opportunity for Canadians to benefit from increased tax savings.?

TFSA are available to all Canadians, 18 years and older. Money can invested in variety of products like securities and mutual funds. Unused TFSA contribution room can be carried forward and accumulate for future years.

While funds can be withdrawn tax-free at any time for any purpose you can re-contribute withdrawn amounts in the same year only if you have unused TFSA contribution room. Otherwise, you have to wait until the following year.

It is also key to note income earned in a TFSA and withdrawals do not affect eligibility for federal income-tested benefits and credits. Contributions to a spouse?s or common-law partner?s TFSA are allowed.

The increase is consistent with a pledge from the Harper government that the $5,000 annual contribution limit would be indexed to inflation in $500 increments. Next year is the first year to be impacted.

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Divided Kuwait limps toward boycott-hit elections

A Kuwaiti woman walks past a board with the names and photos of next December's election candidates in Salwa, Kuwait, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. There is little middle ground but plenty of high-stakes tension as Kuwait stumbles toward elections for the most politically empowered parliament among the Gulf Arab states. (AP Photo/Gustavo Ferrari)

A Kuwaiti woman walks past a board with the names and photos of next December's election candidates in Salwa, Kuwait, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. There is little middle ground but plenty of high-stakes tension as Kuwait stumbles toward elections for the most politically empowered parliament among the Gulf Arab states. (AP Photo/Gustavo Ferrari)

KUWAIT CITY (AP) ? The message from Kuwait's emir is blunt heading into this week's parliamentary elections: Opposition factions should express dissent in the legislature, and not in the streets. The response from the opposition is equally uncompromising: We're not satisfied with what we can accomplish through parliament, so we're boycotting the vote.

There is little middle ground as Kuwait stumbles toward its second election this year for the most politically empowered parliament in the Gulf Arab states, which serves as a check on the emir, Sheik Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah. Violent protests and crackdowns on activists ? until recently rare in Kuwait ? have contributed to the high-stakes tension.

The outcome Saturday is certain to hand the ruling family and its allies a near-sweep of friendly lawmakers. Yet that is not necessarily good news for the stability of a country that has ricocheted from one political crisis to the next for nearly a year, including street clashes between security forces and an opposition coalition that ranges from hardline Islamists to youth activists.

For years, that legislature has served as a forum for the opposition to press their demands. But with the opposition's boycott likely to take them into self-exile from the political system, the worry is their new soapbox will be the street demonstrations like those that have engulfed many other Arab states in the past two years.

The potential fallout goes well beyond its borders. Any major upheavals in OPEC member Kuwait have potential repercussions on oil prices and the Pentagon's plans to use the nation as its hub for ground forces in efforts to counter the growth of Iran's military.

Gulf Arab rulers have so far ridden out the Arab Spring uprisings through a combination of factors including crackdowns and payouts to buy off potential dissenters. But the Gulf's biggest unrest by far ? a 21-month-old revolt against Bahrain's Western-allied monarchy ? shows no sign of easing and poses some the same quandaries as Kuwait for Washington: the need to maintain critical security alliances, but also to pay attention to shifting political forces in the region.

"There is a danger that the tensions between a ruling family (in Kuwait) intent on preserving its power and privilege and an energized opposition bent on security meaningful reform might escalate into open confrontation," said Kristian Coates-Ulrichsen, a research fellow who follows Gulf affairs at the London School of Economics.

"The example of Bahrain shows how everyone loses out in this scenario," he added, "but that alone is no guarantee that Kuwaitis can or will pull back from the brink."

Kuwait's protest alliance is held together by claims that the emir Al Sabah overstepped his authority by changing voting laws in an apparent attempt to undermine opposition and reformist electoral chances. Beyond that, there are a wide range of demands from all the different factions involved in the boycott, from Islamists wanting a greater say in the government to liberals wanting more openness in general.

The showdowns take forms similar to those in other parts of the region: clampdowns on Web activists and arrest sweeps against perceived backers of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group that now leads Egypt and has a resurgent profile since the Arab Spring.

Last week, Kuwait's Interior Ministry announced the arrest of four people on charges of insulting the emir with posts on Twitter. Similar arrests have taken place across the Gulf and, earlier this month, the United Arab Emirates imposed new Internet laws that can bring jail time for Web posts deemed offensive to rulers.

Kuwaiti authorities also have echoed fears from other Gulf palaces over what they view as expanding threats from the Muslim Brotherhood. Dubai's police chief, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, has warned of an "international plot" to overthrow the Gulf rulers.

The Islamists in Kuwait ? while a powerful force ? insist they are a distinctive, homegrown group that does not seek to topple the ruling system but wants a greater say in how the country is run. Their critics worry that this means a push toward stricter Islamic codes such as limits on non-Muslim worship or censoring artists and writers in one of the most politically open societies in the Gulf.

The past year has brought almost nonstop ? and highly complex ? political turmoil.

Islamists and their tribal allies won parliament elections in February and immediately pushed for greater clout in policy-making affairs. The Constitutional Court later disbanded parliament amid claims of flaws in the electoral district map, and reinstated the former government-friendly chamber from elections in 2009. That body, however, never managed to convene a session.

To further complicate things: The emir stunned the nation by wiping out the country's unusual four-votes-per-person system in favor of the standard one vote. Opponents say the new formula dilutes the ability of opposition groups to forge alliances and will increase the risks of vote buying and bribery.

"We will have puppetry, not a real parliament," said Mohammed al-Hatlani, a former lawmaker supporting the election boycott.

Liberal and youth groups ? while deeply opposed to the Islamist agenda ? have joined the boycott drive as a way to press for their Arab Spring-inspired demands for greater political and social freedoms. The unexpected alliance with Islamists and conservative tribes has startled even veterans of Kuwait's pugnacious politics.

Abdullatif al-Duaij, a prominent Kuwait liberal figure now living in the U.S., worries that fellow liberals looking for more openness have "lost their compass" by siding with the Islamists and others pushing the boycott.

"Today it's either you vote or you don't," he said. "There is nothing in between."

A series of protests and street clashes in recent months led the emir to order a ban on political gatherings of more than 20 people. In a message last week, he tried both threats and patriot appeals to cool down tensions.

"It is a great tragedy to have calls to take to the street," the emir said in comments carried by the official Kuwait News Agency. "Why the chaos and riots? Why the screaming and wailing and disrupting the business of the state and harming the interests of the people?"

It's all likely to leave Kuwait even more politically fractured and the new parliament facing challenges over its legitimacy.

In most of the Gulf, a parliament under pressure would matter little since elected bodies have very limited powers. Kuwait, however, stands out. Its 50-seat parliament has wide authority to pass laws and question ? or even dismiss ? members of the government.

Opposition lawmakers have publicly accused top officials, including members of the ruling family, of charges such as corruption and attempts to muzzle dissent. But even many protesters were stunned last month when an opposition leader, Musallam al-Barrack, broke taboos and openly denounced the emir. He was later arrested.

"He crossed all the red lines and shattered the boundaries of permissible opposition," said the researcher Coates-Ulrichsen. "The experience from North Africa and elsewhere in the Arab Spring shows that once these barriers are broken it is impossible to reconstruct them."

Associated Press


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Apple seeks products added to Samsung suit


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Apple has asked a federal court to add six more products to its patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung,?including the Samsung Galaxy Note II, in the latest in move in an ongoing legal war between the two companies.

The case is one of two patent infringement lawsuits pending in the U.S. District Court in San Jose by Apple against Samsung. An earlier lawsuit by Apple that related to different patents resulted in a $1.05 billion jury verdict against Samsung on Aug. 24.

Apple is also seeking to add the Samsung Galaxy S III, running the new Android "Jelly Bean" operating system, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wi-Fi, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, the Samsung Rugby Pro, and the Samsung Galaxy S III Mini, to its lawsuit, according to a court filing on Friday.

"Apple has acted quickly and diligently to determine that these newly-released products do infringe many of the same claims already asserted by Apple," the company said in the filing.

Samsung representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Apple filed the second lawsuit in February, alleging that various Samsung smartphone and tablet products including the Galaxy Nexus infringed eight of its patents.

Samsung denied infringement and filed a cross-complaint alleging that Apple's iPhone and iPad infringed eight of its patents.

A U.S. judge on Nov. 15 allowed Samsung to pursue claims the iPhone?5 also infringes its patents.

The case is Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al, No. 12-cv-00630.

(Reporting By John McCrank; Editing by Theodore d'Afflisio)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:?


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Hobbits, superheroes put magic in NZ film industry

In this photo taken Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, a giant sculpture of Gollum, a character from "The Hobbit," is displayed in the Wellington Airport to celebrate the upcoming premiere of the first movie in the trilogy, in Wellington, New Zealand. The sculpture was created at Weta Workshop, part of Peter Jackson's movie empire in the Wellington suburb of Miramar. The world premiere of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" is Nov. 28 at Wellington's Embassy Theatre. (AP Photo/Nick Perry)

In this photo taken Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, a giant sculpture of Gollum, a character from "The Hobbit," is displayed in the Wellington Airport to celebrate the upcoming premiere of the first movie in the trilogy, in Wellington, New Zealand. The sculpture was created at Weta Workshop, part of Peter Jackson's movie empire in the Wellington suburb of Miramar. The world premiere of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" is Nov. 28 at Wellington's Embassy Theatre. (AP Photo/Nick Perry)

In this photo taken Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, a giant sculpture of Gollum, a character from "The Hobbit," is displayed in the Wellington Airport to celebrate the upcoming premiere of the first movie in the trilogy, in Wellington, New Zealand. The sculpture was created at Weta Workshop, part of Peter Jackson's movie empire in the Wellington suburb of Miramar. The world premiere of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" is Nov. 28 at Wellington's Embassy Theatre. (AP Photo/Nick Perry)

FILE - In this Jan. 16, 2006 file photo, film director Peter Jackson arrives for the Golden Globe Awards, in Beverly Hills, Calif. Jackson launched the Weta Digital studio in 1993 with fellow filmmakers Jamie Selkirk and Richard Taylor. Named after an oversized New Zealand insect, the company later was split into its digital arm and Weta Workshop, which makes props and costumes. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill, File)

In this Nov. 14, 2012 photo, Weta Digital General Manager Tom Greally stands in front of a large bank of servers with the computing power of 30,000 laptops used for animation work in the companies Wellington studios in New Zealand. Weta Digital is the centerpiece of a filmmaking empire that Peter Jackson and close collaborators have built in his New Zealand hometown, realizing his dream of bringing a slice of Hollywood to Wellington. It?s a one-stop shop for making major movies - not only his own, but other blockbusters like ?Avatar? and ?The Avengers? and hoped-for blockbusters like next year?s ?Man of Steel.? (AP Photo/Nick Perry)

In this photo taken Oct. 31, 2012, Weta Digital staff celebrate Halloween in the company's Wellington studios in New Zealand. Previously never celebrated, Halloween now has a place in the region due to the large influence of Americans who come down under seeking work in the studios film making enterprises. Weta Digital is the centerpiece of a filmmaking empire that Peter Jackson and close collaborators have built in his New Zealand hometown, realizing his dream of bringing a slice of Hollywood to Wellington. It?s a one-stop shop for making major movies - not only his own, but other blockbusters like ?Avatar? and ?The Avengers? and hoped-for blockbusters like next year?s ?Man of Steel.? (AP Photo/Nick Perry)

(AP) ? A crate full of sushi arrives. Workers wearing wetsuit shirts or in bare feet bustle past with slim laptops. With days to go, a buzzing intensity fills the once-dilapidated warehouses where Peter Jackson's visual-effects studio is rushing to finish the opening film in "The Hobbit" trilogy.

The fevered pace at the Weta Digital studio near Wellington will last nearly until the actors walk the red carpet Nov. 28 for the world premiere. But after "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" hits theaters, there's more work to be done.

Weta Digital is the centerpiece of a filmmaking empire that Jackson and close collaborators have built in his New Zealand hometown, realizing his dream of bringing a slice of Hollywood to Wellington. It's a one-stop shop for making major movies ? not only his own, but other blockbusters like "Avatar" and "The Avengers" and hoped-for blockbusters like next year's "Man of Steel."

Along the way, Jackson has become revered here, even receiving a knighthood. His humble demeanor and crumpled appearance appeal to distinctly New Zealand values, yet his modesty belies his influence. He's also attracted criticism along the way.

The special-effects workforce of 150 on "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy a decade ago now numbers 1,100. Only five of Weta Digital's workers are actual employees, however, while the rest are contractors. Many accept the situation because movie work often comes irregularly but pays well. Union leaders, though, say the workers lack labor protections existing in almost any other industry.

Like many colleagues, Weta Digital's director, Joe Letteri, came to New Zealand in 2001 to work on the "Rings" trilogy for two years. The work kept coming, so he bought a house in Wellington and stayed.

"People come here because they know it's their chance to do something really great and to get it up on the screen," he said in a recent interview.

Jackson, who declined to be interviewed for this story, launched Weta in 1993 with fellow filmmakers Jamie Selkirk and Richard Taylor. Named after an oversized New Zealand insect, the company later was split into its digital arm and Weta Workshop, which makes props and costumes.

Loving homages to the craft are present in Weta Digital's seven buildings around the green-hilled suburb of Miramar. There are old-time movie posters, prop skulls of dinosaurs and apes, and a wall of latex face impressions of actors from Chris O'Donnell to Tom Cruise.

Its huge data center, with the computing power of 30,000 laptops, resembles a milk-processing plant because only the dairy industry in New Zealand knew how to build cooling systems on such a grand scale.

Little of Weta's current work was visible. Visitors must sign confidentiality agreements, and the working areas of the facilities are off-limits. The company is secretive about any unannounced projects, beyond saying Weta will be working solidly for the next two years, when the two later "Hobbit" films are scheduled to be released.

The workforce has changed from majority American to about 60 percent New Zealanders. The only skill that's needed, Letteri says, is the ability to use a computer as a tool.

Beyond having creativity as a filmmaker, Jackson has proved a savvy businessman, Letteri says.

"The film business in general is volatile, and visual effects has to be sitting right on the crest of that wave," Letteri says. "We don't get asked to do something that somebody has seen before."

The government calculates that feature films contribute $560 million each year to New Zealand's economy. Like many countries, New Zealand offers incentives and rebates to film companies and will contribute about $100 million toward the $500 million production costs of "The Hobbit" trilogy. Almost every big budget film goes through Jackson's companies.

"New Zealand has a good reputation for delivering films on time and under budget, and Jackson has been superb at that," says John Yeabsley, a senior fellow at New Zealand's Institute of Economic Research. "Nobody has the same record or the magic ability to bring home the bacon as Sir Peter."

"You cannot overestimate the fact that Peter is a brand," says Graeme Mason, chief executive of the New Zealand Film Commission. "He's built this incredible reputational position, which has a snowball effect."

Back in 2010, however, a labor dispute erupted before filming began on "The Hobbit." Unions said they would boycott the movie if the actors didn't get to collectively negotiate. Jackson and others warned that New Zealand could lose the films to Europe. Warner Bros. executives flew to New Zealand and held a high-stakes meeting with Prime Minister John Key, whose government changed labor laws overnight to clarify that movie workers were exempt from being treated as regular employees.

Helen Kelly, president of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, says a compromise could easily have been reached. She says the law changes amounted to unnecessary union-busting and a "gross breach" of employment laws.

"I was very disappointed at Peter Jackson for lobbying for that," she says, "and I was furious at the government for doing it."

Weta Digital's general manager Tom Greally compared it to the construction industry, where multiple contractors and mobile workers do specific projects and then move on.

Animal rights activists said last week they plan to picket the premiere of "The Hobbit" after wranglers alleged that three horses and up to two dozen other animals died in unsafe conditions at a farm where animals were boarded for the movies. Jackson's spokesman Matt Dravitzki acknowledged two horses died preventable deaths at the farm but said the production company worked quickly to improve animal housing and safety. He rejected claims any animals were mistreated or abused.

Jackson's team pointed out that 55 percent of animal images in "The Hobbit" were computer generated at Weta. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have asked Jackson in the future to create all his animals in the studio.

Controversies aside, the rise of Weta and the expat American community in and around Miramar is visible in everything from a Mexican restaurant to yoga classes. On Halloween, which in the past was not much celebrated in New Zealand, hundreds of costumed children roamed about collecting candy. Americans gave the tradition a boost here, but the locals have embraced it.

The National Business Review newspaper estimates Jackson's personal fortune to be about $400 million, which could rise considerably if "The Hobbit" franchise succeeds. Public records show Jackson has partial ownership stakes in 21 private companies, most connected with his film empire. He's spent some of his money on philanthropy, helping save a historic church and a performance theater.

For all his influence, Jackson maintains a hobbit-like existence himself, preferring a quiet home life outside of work. In the end, many say, he seems to be driven by what has interested him from the start: telling great stories on the big screen.


Follow Nick Perry on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why Wuxi is not your ordinary Chinese city

Because city planners are hoping to turn Wuxi into a high tech hub, the air is breathable, the streets are broad, and many of the suburban districts look like a bucolic Google campus writ large.

By Peter Ford,?Staff Writer / November 6, 2012

A man fishes outside the office of Wuxi's 5-30 incentive program which has brought dozens of foreign-educated Chinese scientists to the city. The city of 5 million people is unknown outside China, but it is seeking to escape its national image as one of the worst polluters in China.

Peter Ford


Wuxi is one of those cities ? and there are dozens of them in China ? that almost nobody outside the country has ever heard of, but turn out to have nearly 5 million people living in them.

Skip to next paragraph Peter Ford

Beijing Bureau Chief

Peter Ford is The Christian Science Monitor?s Beijing Bureau Chief. He covers news and features throughout China and also makes reporting trips to Japan and the Korean peninsula.

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What makes Wuxi even more striking is that the city fathers have pinned their hopes for the future on high tech. That means this is not the sort of town you imagine when you think, ?5 million people in a Chinese city.? The air is breathable (indeed the authorities are decommissioning coal-fired power plants near the center of the city), the streets are broad, and many of the suburban districts look like a bucolic Google campus writ large.

Things are not necessarily what they seem, however.

The city?s shiniest success story, until recently, was Suntech, the biggest manufacturer of solar panels in the world. But the company has been hit hard by a downturn in the industry, and saddled with debt has been laying off workers in the past few months.

Still, Wushi has other strings to its bow. While many other Chinese cities have made a name for themselves on the strength of a particular product (?Yiwu ? Sock Capital of the World?), Wuxi has broader appeal. For example it has focused on measuring instruments, which nowadays means digital measuring instruments, another high tech business with good export potential.?

Once, the worst polluter in China

But all this represents a bid by the city to escape its nationwide image as one of the worst polluters in China. For Wuxi built its prosperity on thousands of chemical factories along the shore of Lake Tai, the third largest freshwater lake in China.?

For years they have poured phosphates and other effluents into the lake, sucking out the oxygen and killing the fish and shrimp for which the lake was famous. In 2007 the waters of Lake Tai became so eutrophic they were covered with a thick layer of luminous green, foul smelling pond scum. More than 2 million people were deprived of cooking and drinking water for nearly a week. Each spring the scum re-forms, though rarely as badly as five years ago.

The local government has repeatedly promised to enforce stricter pollution controls, and repeatedly failed to do so, according to environmental nongovernmental organizations. In fact even as Lake Tai was fouling up in 2007, the best known local activist was being jailed for three years on what he insisted were trumped-up charges of fraud and blackmail. Since he got out of prison, reporting that he had been tortured, he has kept his mouth shut.?

(Read Peter Ford's piece on China's polluted lake)

It is not hard to see why. The authorities in Wuxi want to present the world with a clean, modern, international image that will attract traders and investors. And anyone who threatens to sully that image by drawing attention to inconvenient truths had better watch out.

( Interested in more? Read Peter Ford's piece on China's reverse Brain drain here.)

??The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting funded travel in China for this project. Multimedia and reporter blogs about the project can be found on the?Pulitzer Center website.


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Need Help Marketing Online? Use These Video Marketing Tips ...

Saturday, November 24th, 2012 at 9:50 am ?

You have approximately ten seconds to get the attention of a viewer. After hooking them, they will be sure to finish watching the video. What can you do to hook them? This will be dependent upon your audience, your niche and the focus of the video.

TIP! You have a small window of time to get attention from viewers. The 15 seconds that start your video must count.

Perhaps you have grown weary of traditional marketing strategies. There are other ways to market that will attract new customers. Do you know what video marketing is? If it isn?t, you should try it. This form of marketing is one of the best methods of reaching out and connecting with others. Read on to discover some great tips to make your video marketing campaign a successful one.

Watch the videos of other businesses before you make your next video. Set aside your professional views on marketing and consider your preferences from the viewpoint of a paying customer. Then take note of the reasons you feel that way about the product. Have your family and friends do the same thing. Use this information to make a successful video.

TIP! Don?t expect to post a video on YouTube and have the whole world watch it instantly. You must market it via your website, emails to loved ones, and your social media sites.

Be open to new ideas. It is important that you stand apart from the masses. If you are the same as your competitors, you will not stand out or make an impact in your industry. Set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. Ask your customers and friends for some fresh ideas.

Don?t be scared by video marketing. Creating quality videos is easy as long as you have a camera and a good tripod. You can show people how you manufacture products, demonstrate your products, or just talk to them directly.

TIP! Do not ignore the power of YouTube. Start your video marketing campaign here.

There is still work to do even after you?ve set up your transcripts and keywords. Make sure that your content is interesting to the viewer. If you?re not able to do this, you really need to rework your strategy.

Weekly podcasts are another great strategy. Podcasts are a very popular way to find new information out. Do not let this conduit pass you by. A lot of people will want to watch your podcast.

TIP! You shouldn?t insist on your videos being neat and perfect. You needn?t have the latest video equipment in order to have a successful video marketing strategy.

When you are posting marketing videos you want to choose your titles carefully. A relevant and powerful title can help draw viewers to the videos. It?s what gets people to view the video in the first place. Take some time to brainstorm titles that are creative if you want your video marketing to be successful.

Screenshot your website and include it in the video. This allows users to see the setup of your website. Screenshots also can be used when showing a how-to video. Save screenshots from your computer, and use editing software to compile them into your video.

TIP! Don?t forget optimization. As you put your videos on different sites, come up with a separate title and description for them all.

The most popular searched topics on the internet are ?how-to? items. When you make a video tutorial, the people that wish to learn about that skill will seek out videos like yours. This means you?ll always have visitors in your niche. People will be more interested in what you are offering if they think of you as an expert.

When you hear people talk about keeping things real, they also mean in your videos. The more you?re honest and sincere, the more you?ll help people that are viewing to feel comfortable with you. The less you seem like you cannot be trusted, the less people will like your video and probably won?t share it.

TIP! Create longer videos that take your viewers deeper into topics. Short videos can be aimed at a broad audience.

Impart knowledge that you have picked up over the years. You won?t be giving out your secrets, but you can share some behind the scenes stuff. Demonstrate why you are the best in your field by describing your products and how you operate. They will have the desire to learn all about your product.

If you are utilizing video marketing, greet customers in a nice way. Introduce yourself and tell people about what your business is all about. Say goodbye in a friendly way, too.

TIP! Make a video that discusses your business and product. Make free offers that will entice them and show them what they can get if they sign up.

If you have a budget to promote your videos, then choose to have your video show up on related sites. Do not allow your video to be spam. Use surveys to find out which sites your customers visit regularly.

The key to success in video marketing is to share it as widely as possible. Send it to your friends and loved ones. Start a blog on your website about the subject. Spread your link to customers you currently have, through snail mail and through electronic mail. Don?t forget to use social networking sites to get the word out. Tell people!

TIP! As you begin to make more videos, your following will increase. You should always be uploading new videos for your viewers to come back and see.

When you know more about this marketing, you can see all that you can do. You can achieve lots of great results when it comes to growing your customer based through video marketing. This is a good strategy for building your customer base and improving your business.

Keep your messages clear in your videos. Prepare yourself so you do not wander off topic. Make an outline and stick to it. If you can concentrate your efforts on the task at hand, you will find it easier to achieve the desired results.




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Jets' Tebow reveals he has 2 broken ribs

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) ? Tim Tebow stood on the sideline with a cap on and his hands in his pockets as Jets fans chanted his name.

They wanted to see the backup quarterback in a 49-19 blowout loss to New England on Thursday night. Turns out, there was little chance Tebow would see a snap.

Tebow, who didn't play at all, revealed after the game that he broke two ribs in the Jets' loss at Seattle two weeks ago.

"They need a little time to get better," Tebow said, adding that his breathing has been affected by the injury.

He was listed as questionable for the game with a rib ailment, but fully practiced Wednesday. Coach Rex Ryan had reservations about making Tebow active, deciding to use him only "if we absolutely had to have him," and leaving third-stringer Greg McElroy inactive.

"I appreciate his concern," Tebow said. "I had to do a little bit of talking just to dress, but I just want to be there for my teammates in case they needed me in an emergency situation."

Tebow has had a limited role in the Jets' offense this season after being acquired from the Denver Broncos in March. He was expected to add a dynamic element to the offense, particularly in the wildcat package, but he is averaging only about seven plays on offense.

He is playing regularly as the personal punt protector on special teams, but thinks the injury occurred on an offensive play against the Seahawks.

"I didn't really know," he said. "I just kept playing and started to feel it later on."

He played in the Jets' win at St. Louis on Sunday, but had an MRI exam Monday that revealed the extent of the injury.

Tebow has been practicing, but isn't certain how long he will be hindered by the injury. He hopes to be healthy enough to play in the Jets' next game against Arizona on Dec. 2.

"I was ready to go if they needed me," he said. "Obviously, it wasn't ideal. I just wanted to be there for my teammates and do whatever I can to help."

Ryan said the injury appeared to get "progressively worse" as the week went on and noticed his breathing sounded different.

"I was standing there and I was like, 'I'm not going to play this kid,'" Ryan said. "I wouldn't play my son in that kind of situation. To Tim's credit, he wanted to be there for his team."


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